So I have been dating this guy on and off for 6 years and today we are going to the courthouse to get married. I know such a cheap way to go but it is going to help us in the long run this way. We have our wedding for everyone else scheduled for may 25th, 2013. That way everyone has a chance to be a part of our special day.
We have 2 witnesses one is my neighbor witch my soon to be husband (as in 8 hours) calls loony tunes, the other is one of our friends from when we first hooked up. So yesterday we figured out that my man had no ring for the ceremony. We had been looking all week for a ring for him. OK maybe not all week but every time we left the house we were looking. So we faked a gold band for him. It was a costume ring that we took the charm off and said good enough. We will find him a better one later.

So now it is prep time for this afternoon at 4:30. I thought that I would have the day with no kids but I was wrong. My youngest son woke up with a tummy ache so he is home with me today. I think he just wanted to watch more cartoons, you know what they say better safe than sorry. My daughter always waits till she gets to school to be sick so I have to walk there and get her. Is ent my oldest son to school with a note saying he needed to leave there at 3:00pm so he could go to the wedding to. I still have to put my make-up on and get dressed and all that fun.
But for now it is still coffee time at the house. As I watch cartoons because that is what my son has on. I don't get how they come up with some of these shows. They are so re tarted and have no real plot line. but if it keeps the kiddos occupied for a little than I guess it is worth it.