Friday, February 10, 2012

Pain pain go away

So as some of you may know I have Friedreich's Ataxia.  I have had lots of bad days lately.  nothing I cant handle but still rough.  A few days ago I woke up to my right side hurting not my arm the side.  So I took some pills and decided I could not just sit around.  So the kids and I walked to the store.  Someone has to do the shopping right.  So I got home and got into a fight with my boyfriend.  I would use fiance but he has not officially proposed.  Not a fight an argument on the phone.  So I get done with the argument and I start to get pain running own my left arm.  After I distressed the pain in the arm went away but the one in my side does not seem to want to disappear.  So last night my boyfriend and I got into an argument over text.  There seems to be a pattern here right.  I thought it was fun to wake up screaming and crying at five this morning.  Of course I was not quiet cause it woke my daughter up and my kids can sleep through anything.  after I got the cramp in my right leg went away I tried to get a few more hours of sleep.  Yeah I failed, but the bed was comfy laying in it.  Then my 4 alarms went off and I climbed out of bed.  The cramp screwed my leg up cause I was gimping to the coffee pot this morning.  So I thought that I would take it easy today and relax at the house.   As the day went on I got lots of nothing done cause every time I got up my leg killed me.  I took some more pills and went to check the mail.  Ha ha that was so much fun.  Days like today I am glad I have a walker to use.  As I sit here and type I realize how much I still have to do before the morning.  My sister is coming to take my youngest to his first hockey game.  I have to pack him and clean the house and ice my side cause it still hurts like hell.  Oh and did I mention My head is hurting too.  On the plus side I go to the doctor on Monday morning so I am sure they will be running more tests.  Okay I am done for now but might be back to vent later.

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