So yesterday I turned 30 years old. WOW right what an age to write about. We had a little party at the house with mostly family and a few friends. I got lots of cool stuff like Chippendale's tickets, thank you granny. I got a new well new to me freezer from my hubby and money money money from everyone. People put allot of pressure on turning 30 and I was really bummed to be that old. well we will use wise not old. I really did not ever want to turn this wise but as the years go on I guess you have to. I have done allot of changing this year. I quit smoking, I got married, and of course got a little wiser. Lol. I can't believe how wise I really am, my kids are growing to fast for me and life is just set on fast.
My granny and uncle are taking me to my Seattle appointment on Friday and the my friend and I get to booze it up at the Chippendale's on Saturday.
Going back to my Seattle appointment: I have Friedreich's Ataxia and got diagnosed 2 years ago. I go to the university of Washington hospital every 6 months to see how I am progressing. So far I have been going pretty slow but this time I have a feeling it is not going to be slow. I have been having more difficulty with my legs, they don't always do what my head tells them to. As I am typing my hand sporadically slam down on the keyboard. So my hands are not doing well either. I was hoping that I would have a few more years till I got bad but that does not mean I wont fight it every step of the way.
Now for the Chippendale's part. I have been to the show at the silver reef casino the last 2 years. This year makes 3 years and I so can't wait to go. What woman would not want to go and have a girls night with booze, guys, and gambling. This year I am taking my friend/ neighbor. She turned 21 in January so this will be her first strip show. I am so glad I get to be a part of it. Well that is all I have for now. Thank you for being apart of my year wiser