Monday, April 16, 2012

My life volume one

So I had an okay life, I guess.  My mother  married my dad and I came along. Well  that's not all true,  my mother traveled with the carnival and my dad built carnival rides for a living.  you would think match made in heaven right, well you would be wrong.  So I was born and my mother and father went their separate ways.  As a baby you don't remember much but I have looked through lots of pictures and realized okay I might not be adopted but I was very special to have the family I do.  As I grew up I lived with my mom.  She traveled with the carnival and I spent a good part of my childhood on the road.  When she was not traveling we moved allot.  There are few memories I remember, maybe that's because I blocked them out or maybe I really don't remember. 

So we were living in Reno, NV.   Not in a house but in our truck.  My mom worked day labor and I was seven or eight at the time.  So while she was at work she would drop me off downtown  and that is where I would be until she got off.  I had to help people with their bags and hope someone would give me money to eat on.  I know that at the time she was doing the best she could.  It was a great learning experience for me. I learned that there are nice people out there and sometimes you have to do stuff you don't want to.   I got to meet lots of new people and it is part of the person I am today. 

Any ways since this is only the first on many I hope I am going to make this one short.  I just hope that everyone who reads this takes a little part of life with them.  As always positive thoughts = positive results.

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