Thursday, January 26, 2012
Smoking part 1
So This will be my last blog as a smoker. Tomorrow I am starting my new life as a non smoker. I have been saying that I was going to quit many times and failed many time. I am now ready to really smell life, taste all food, and enjoy not coughing as much. My future husband does not smoke and like his mom said I need to quit so he wont die. Okay maybe not like that but it was close. So I am kinda happy and kinda not at the same time. I really wish I had more of a support system in place before hand but I am strong willed and can do it. I have a support coach to help and have made a list of reasons I want to quit. I also have a ton of suckers and lots of stuff to do with my hands. I am currently in the middle of croqueting a blanket. So I will get allot of work done on that. Plus I like to bake and cook so I have that to. I am starting with patches and stepping down. They go from the 21mg patch for 4 weeks, then the 14mg patch for 2 weeks, and then the 7 mg patch for 2 weeks. I am looking forward to the benefits of not smoking. Like pain medication will work better, I wont smell like an ash tray, and my future husband will love kissing me again. They say the first week is the hardest. I hope that is true cause I have plenty to do in the next week to keep my mind off having a smoke. I purposely did not do the house work today just so I would have more to do tomorrow. Have any of you quit smoking? 2 of my kids have already opted out of being here tomorrow. Which just leaves me with my daughter and my oldest son said she can go with me mom. I was like NO, that's what I want my 10 year old daughter hanging out with hoodlums boys. So she will be the one helping me cope with it after school. I have faith in myself that this will be a piece of cake. So I calculated it up right now I smoke a pack a day. At $8.00 a pack about, I will save $2,920.00 a year. That is a nice vacation or a good moving fund. Anyways this is short and sweet, but I got to go get ready for my man to be online. Lots of Love.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Stressfull days
As some of you may know I am getting married. This will be marriage number 2 and the last one I am ever having. So we have set the date for the wedding in May 2014. I did not realize how much goes into a real wedding. My first one was far from real. I got married when I 18years old and I was 7 months prego with kid 2. Lets just say I looked like the good year blimp waddling down the isle. If it wasn't bad enough that i was Hugh while my dad was walking me down the isle, he stepped on the bottom of my dress and it started to come apart. It was my mothers dress that my grandma sherbourne had made when she got married. I did not know she could not sew, so the whole dress was glued together. So after we said our I Do's I changed into a back up dress my step-mother had brought in case i was to big for my real moms dress. We got some pictures and did the whole sign the marriage certificate. Did I mention I got married in the back of a bar and the reception and wedding were done in the same place back to back. Anyways, after we got pics i got the hell out of the dress and changed into some black prego pants and a white shirt cause, you know it matched the white shoes I got married in. Okay not funny but If you would have been there you would have laughed. Many of my friends and family did not come for various reasons. I think the one person that should have been there was my mom but she was to busy drinking or running with the wolfs or something.
So like I said this time I get a real wedding not some ho-dunk trailer trash thing you see on a side show. I get to go and get a dress to pass down to my daughter and all of my kids get to be apart of it. Plus this is my fiances first wedding so he deserves a really good one. I am hoping for the perfect beginning to our wonderful life. We have been together on and off for a long time. Longer than my first marriage lasted. Now the only problem I have is getting the groom here. Maybe the reason we have been together so long is that we barely live in the same town for long. So he got his ticket to come here and he will be on his way in 30 days. It is going by way to slow. I am way to stressed out with out him here. I did not realize how much stress he takes off me by being him. I get way less visitors or phone calls. I so wish he could move his ticket up but he called the airline and they said no because he did not buy the ticket he could change. Whats 30 days right. I keep saying that but it is taking to freaking long. okay enough of that like I said I am planning a wedding, the colors are Red, Cream, and Black. So if you have any input let me know. I got to go for know and web chat with my baby. Lots of Love
So like I said this time I get a real wedding not some ho-dunk trailer trash thing you see on a side show. I get to go and get a dress to pass down to my daughter and all of my kids get to be apart of it. Plus this is my fiances first wedding so he deserves a really good one. I am hoping for the perfect beginning to our wonderful life. We have been together on and off for a long time. Longer than my first marriage lasted. Now the only problem I have is getting the groom here. Maybe the reason we have been together so long is that we barely live in the same town for long. So he got his ticket to come here and he will be on his way in 30 days. It is going by way to slow. I am way to stressed out with out him here. I did not realize how much stress he takes off me by being him. I get way less visitors or phone calls. I so wish he could move his ticket up but he called the airline and they said no because he did not buy the ticket he could change. Whats 30 days right. I keep saying that but it is taking to freaking long. okay enough of that like I said I am planning a wedding, the colors are Red, Cream, and Black. So if you have any input let me know. I got to go for know and web chat with my baby. Lots of Love
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
just don't want to be me
Have you ever from the time you woke up to the time you go to bed, thought wow I just don't want to be me anymore. you know it isn't possible to change places with someone else but you can always dream right. I went to bed last night and had nothing but bad dreams about my feiance and this girl he likes. it would not be so bad but he lives in Wyoming and as i have said i do not. The girl he has a thing for does and they even work together. so i guess that is the only thing on my mind. Its okay i guess cause eventually he will be back here. I think, that not true I know cause he bought his ticket. there is still the thought in my head that he isn't really coming. say that they fall in love and he decides he does not want to be with me anymore. anything can happen and i have the worst luck ever. so it is not really that far of a jump to him not coming. he keeps telling me he loves me and that he is coming. But really if you were in my spot what would you think. So here is a little background. we have been together on and off for 6 years. We took our first trip to Oregon where he used to live to visit some of his friends. well that so did not go my way at all. we got there and went out with some of his friends and the only one he wanted at the bar was his ex girlfriend. after getting over that and a few years later we were living in Arizona. one of his other ex girlfriends that he told me lived in a different part of the state magically lived in the same town we did. i was not to happy about that but i got over it. now he tells me he loves me then emails his parents about this girl there he has a thing for. i swear its like i cant get a brake lately. sometimes i just want to stay in bed cause i know that if i get out it is going to be a bad day. Like today I got out of bed even though i knew it would be a bad day. my feiance left me a message saying he would call when he got off work. do you think i got a phone call? the answer is NO. he texted a little bit after he got off and said he was charging his phone. then he sent a message saying he would give me a bed time phone call. So what would you think if your man or woman did that to you? I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to talk to him but he just thinks I'm being stupid. so the other part says just quit talking to him. hell he has not even told the other girl he likes that he is engaged. which makes me think that he doesn't want her to know about me. i guess cause i don't live there he can do what he wants and i will never know. i guess i am done venting for now let me know if you can answer any of my questions cause i am at a stand still right now.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Got to love a snow day
So here it is the 17th of January and it finally snowed yesterday for the first time this winter. As most of you know i have 3 kids and a phone i should turn off at night. So the first night it snowed i went to sleep at 1am. I was awakened at 2am when my brother called from the bar. He had decided that waking my kids up and taking them sledding was a good idea. I was not going to let that happen. So after i convinced him to not come over at that time and to come over later I went back to bed. The next day I woke and my brother and his girlfriend came over and we all went sledding. now having kids i am used to doing kid stuff. So i thought that we would have fun sledding. yeah right, well it was fun at the time. So we get to the hill we are going to sled down. The kids jump on the sled and down the hill they go. So after them and my brother had went a couple time, it was my turn. I put the sled down and lay'ed on my tummy and off i went. well it was fun but at the end of the hill, well the part i went down. there was a mud pit. so i get to the bottom covered in mud and realize i cant get back up the hill. the kids came down to help or so i thought. They grabbed the sled and up the hill they went, leaving me to figure it out. so i walked around and thought that i had found a way up. it was a way smaller hill and the slope was smaller to so i started up. i got about half way and my left foot slipped. as i fell face first in the snow, i lay'ed there for a few seconds. then i got up and was relieved that no one saw me fall. so i made it once so i did it a few more times. i was already covered in mud and fell face first. what else could go wrong. so we all took one last run down the hill and my daughter and youngest son and myself all sat on the sled and tried to go down the hill together. we started and then i found out with 3 people on the sled, that not all of them make it down the hill. we got about half way down the hill and i fell off. as i stated earlier i could not make it up the hill walking and now i was stuck half way up it. i could try sledding own with no sled or i could attempt to walk up. well i try'ed to stand up to go up the hill and i could not seem to get off my knees. shocker right, that's what i thought too. so i crawled up the hill on all fours. i am sure all of the people enjoyed watching a 30 year old crawling like a baby. so we all got done and started to go home. i wish i would have had some hot coco but coffee will do i guess. Well we spent the rest of the day just relaxing in the warm house. So i went to bed that night and got woke up at 5am when the school sent me a text telling me the school was closed. So i turned the alarms off and went back to bed. i finally got out of bed at 9am and got my coffee. i used the bathroom to realize that i had a bruise on my left leg. i though well it was a good day so one bruise is worth it. Then i coughed and realized my ribs hurt every time i coughed or touched them. it was still worth it, i love playing with the kids and i assume they have fun playing with me. thanks for letting me vent.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Apartment living sucks
So I went out and got my mail today. I was not expecting a letter from the housing program I live in. As I opened the letter and read it, I realized how nosey my neighbors are. I have Friedreich's ataxia, so I have problems walking. I know that lots of people have problems walking and that is not my only problem. See with my condition my spinal cord is shrinking, so my brain tells my body to move. My body does not always do what it is suppose to. on the 3rd of every month I have my mom take me to the store. I know I should just suck up and walk but somehow carrying $300 in food home does not seem fun to me. So I get a ride to and from every store I need to go to. It happens that my mother has a camper van that she lives in with her 3 dogs. It states in my lease that you can not have dogs on the property without them being approved. Well on the 3rd she was here for 2hours and her dogs never left her vehicle. So they were not on the property at all. So my neighbor who has a dog called the humane society on my mom and then housing on me. 2 hours really I cant have company for 2 hours without someone being up my butt. So as I sit at home all by my self everyday. Since I am disabled and have nothing but time I am now going to be watching my neighbors and making sure they do nothing wrong. I will also be going through my lease with a fine tooth comb to make sure that everyone is sticking to there lease. Well not everyone just the people I know have called my landlords on me. If anyone has any insight into my problem please let me know.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
How stupid can you be.

I know we all have stupid moments but that was a right up there moment. The only one better than that was when I was helping my daughter with her homework one night. My neighbor and her daughter came over and were chilling at my house. My daughter and I were going over where she was born.
My daughter: Where was I born?
Me: Farmington, New Mexico
My neighbor: How did you get her across the border?
I had to pause for a moment before telling her that New Mexico was in the United States. I know that she just had a blonde moment but all I could picture was, Me and my new baby running from the hospital. Then trying to sneak through the border with a crying brand new baby. I know that is not what she ment but that was the first picture in my head.
Have you ever felt like you were the smartest person you know? On that note I need smater friends cause I am not that bright. Yet they all come to me to help them on everything. Just once I would like to go up to anyone of them and say solve this for me
5(x-2) = 3-2(x+3)
This is going to be the qualifacation to be my friend from now on. If your smart you will read this and know the answer is 1 but if not I'm sorry I need smart friends cause I am sick of being the smart one. Well now I'm done for the night. Thanks for listening to me vent.
Love can be diffecult
So as I was looking forward to Valentine's day. I am not anymore. We all know that life is not perfect and that sometimes it takes its toll. I thought I had the best guy and the perfect plan for Valentine's day. I was going to put the kids in bed early and make this guy a nice candle lite dinner for two. To my surprise he would not be joining me for our special day. Looks like dinner for one, I guess.
It wasn't all his fault, I did play a roll in it to. If I would not have pushed him away in the first place then he would be here. Instead of being in Wyoming for the most romantic day of the year. That and he did ask what I would rather have him for that day or he could wait a little longer and just move. I got my hopes up for the day and now I am just going to sit alone.
So now that I have come to terms with him not being here. I am looking forward to when he does come. I just don't know when that will be. I know that it is hard to make up your mind when there is so much to loose. But if you are not willing to take a chance every once in awhile then you will never have anything to loose in the first place.
So in conclusion, I just want my happy house back. With my kids, my husband (fingers crossed he doesn't run away before we get hitched), and me. I would also like to thank his parents for making him. He is the perfect guy and he puts up with me and that's really hard to do
Monday, January 9, 2012
Sick of being sick
So about 2 -3 weeks ago my youngest child started to cough. I thought well it is getting colder maybe he has a little bug. I gave him medication and lots of rest and within a week he was fine. Little did I know that my neighbor had something along with her son. Normal people when they or a member of there family are sick. They keep them at home. Well she and her son were sick and she decided that she could heal better if I had her kid. Since I have 3 kids of my own and it was about to be winter brake, her son spent a lot of time with us. I am sure you have figured out that with one sick kid there would soon be more. She started to feel better or her kid went to his other family's for Christmas brake.
I just know he was not here. yea me so I thought, Soon one of my kids was sick. My oldest son was running a temp and water falling everywhere. So I gave him some medication, told him to drink alot of clear fluids, and put him on the couch. Thinking the couch would be better so my youngest would not get sick again too. I was wrong not only did my youngest get sick, but so did my daughter and myself. As me and two of the kids were still well enough to function my oldest was not getting better at all. Here it was the day before school started and we had to take my oldest to the emergency room. What fun that is for an 11 year old. One thing you should know about our hospital is they have one TV and it is in the waiting room. So they did a chest x-ray and we sat in the back playing this poker toilet toy I had in my purse. When the doctor finally saw us he said that my son had pneumonia and they started an IV. Thats not something an 11 year old wants. After they took blood, they gave him a cocktail of Tylenol, antibiotics,and a steroid shot for giggles I guess. Then the blood test came back and the doctor released him. The doctor told me he needed to see his regular doctor in 2 days. Well since all the kids were sick I made them all appointments. We went to the doctor on day 3 of school being back. The doctor checked all the kids and said that they were fine to go to school and while they were there why don't we give them their flu shots. I was like yes I get a brake. One again I was wrong. I got up the next morning and sent the 2 youngest to school because they go before my oldest. Then as my oldest was about to leave and I was about to get my nice and peaceful day. The phone rang and guess who it was. It was the elementary school my daughter had puked and I had to go and get her. When I got there they asked my youngest son if he wanted to go home and he did,cause lets face it what 2nd grader wants to stay at school when they are given a choice. So day 4 and I had 2 kids home from school. So the next day was Friday and of course my daughter was still sick. By this time I was the worst in the house, but as a mom you don't get a day off cause your sick. The weekend was here and all my kids were feeling good and I was happy. That meant they were all going to school and I could rest and try to get a little better. I can't be that lucky can I??? It was Sunday and we were all moving me slow but still moving. I asked my daughter how she felt and she gave me the thumbs up. YIPPEE I thought to myself. Then she did something I was not expecting. Lets just say that I was cleaning the living room floor of cereal chunks. CCCRRRAAAPPPP. One more day home. Well tomorrow is Tuesday and I am done with sickies. Cross your fingers all the kids are in school or I am running and checking myself into the hospital to get a brake and maybe some good sleep. If that possible at the hospital.
I just know he was not here. yea me so I thought, Soon one of my kids was sick. My oldest son was running a temp and water falling everywhere. So I gave him some medication, told him to drink alot of clear fluids, and put him on the couch. Thinking the couch would be better so my youngest would not get sick again too. I was wrong not only did my youngest get sick, but so did my daughter and myself. As me and two of the kids were still well enough to function my oldest was not getting better at all. Here it was the day before school started and we had to take my oldest to the emergency room. What fun that is for an 11 year old. One thing you should know about our hospital is they have one TV and it is in the waiting room. So they did a chest x-ray and we sat in the back playing this poker toilet toy I had in my purse. When the doctor finally saw us he said that my son had pneumonia and they started an IV. Thats not something an 11 year old wants. After they took blood, they gave him a cocktail of Tylenol, antibiotics,and a steroid shot for giggles I guess. Then the blood test came back and the doctor released him. The doctor told me he needed to see his regular doctor in 2 days. Well since all the kids were sick I made them all appointments. We went to the doctor on day 3 of school being back. The doctor checked all the kids and said that they were fine to go to school and while they were there why don't we give them their flu shots. I was like yes I get a brake. One again I was wrong. I got up the next morning and sent the 2 youngest to school because they go before my oldest. Then as my oldest was about to leave and I was about to get my nice and peaceful day. The phone rang and guess who it was. It was the elementary school my daughter had puked and I had to go and get her. When I got there they asked my youngest son if he wanted to go home and he did,cause lets face it what 2nd grader wants to stay at school when they are given a choice. So day 4 and I had 2 kids home from school. So the next day was Friday and of course my daughter was still sick. By this time I was the worst in the house, but as a mom you don't get a day off cause your sick. The weekend was here and all my kids were feeling good and I was happy. That meant they were all going to school and I could rest and try to get a little better. I can't be that lucky can I??? It was Sunday and we were all moving me slow but still moving. I asked my daughter how she felt and she gave me the thumbs up. YIPPEE I thought to myself. Then she did something I was not expecting. Lets just say that I was cleaning the living room floor of cereal chunks. CCCRRRAAAPPPP. One more day home. Well tomorrow is Tuesday and I am done with sickies. Cross your fingers all the kids are in school or I am running and checking myself into the hospital to get a brake and maybe some good sleep. If that possible at the hospital.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Why is it everything you want just out of reach???
So about a year ago maybe a little less. I had the perfect guy. He is sweet, kind, cute, nice, and will all ways have my heart. I was just diagnosed and I got really scaredand didnt want to put anyone through what I was going through. So I pushed him away. Let me say that is not the thing to do. So we started talking on the phone and web a few months ago.
So I blew a fuse and then calmed down and relized that he does not live in this state and he could do what ever he wanted. Than later that evening he sent me another forward and it was another letter to his parents saying how much he loved me. I love him with all my heart and hope someday soon he will be mine again. They say that if you love someone let them go and if they come back it is ment to be. I hope he comes back. I have been married and devoriced once before and I always said I would never do that again. but after 6 years with this wonderful guy I would marry him in a heart beat. Any person I know will tell you I am not the easiest person to live with and He did it for 6 years so he has to be my superman. I get the best valentines day ever this year because he is coming to spend it with me. If I have it my way he wont be leaving and we will live happily ever after. Anyways back to the just out of my reach part. So the guy I love lives in Wyoming and I live in Washington. We can talk on the phone and web chat but I don't get to hold him or kiss him. To me it feels like he is so far away. If you have any ideas on how I can make him mine. Let me know cause I am out of ideas.
I thought it was going good and then he would not tell his parents we were talking. My first thought was that he was ashamed of me. Then he sent an email to his parents and it somehow went to me too. when I checked my email it said it was a forward so I asked if he sent me something. Cause his email often sends viagra links to me. He said he didn't so I told him I was forwarding it back to him. So I checked the box and hit forward. Well it opened the email and to my suprise it was a letter to his parents. After reading this letter I was shocked to learn that the guy I loved liked someone else.
Pictures can be fun
This is my youngest. He is turning 8 this year. He has had his own things to over come. When he was 3 he fell out our 2nd story apartment window. He spent 4 days in the hospital with a skull fracture and 2 head bleeds. Don't worry that has not slowed him down at all. I think he is actually more daring now.
He loves to play ninja and climb the walls. Literally he puts his hands on one wall and feet on the other and walks up them.

This picture is of all of us playing around with the camera. I love pictures they tell you a story about what you have done and where you did it. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If that's the case this one should tell a good story to you.
My oldest, he is going to be 12 this year. WOW I am getting really old. My boys seem to have bad luck just like me. He spent a week in the hospital when he was 1 1/2 years old. Then last year he got hit by a car. Don't worry he is fine. He took some stitches to his face and chipped 2 teeth. But all is well this year so far.

First post ever
So I am always reading my dear friends blog and some are good and some are bad. This one will probably be bad, because I am going to explain a little about myself. I have three kids and have been in a on and off relationship for six years. In April of 2010 I got diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia. Lately we have been off mainly because long distance relationships never work. So when I got my diagnoses I panicked and tried to push everyone away so when I did pass away people would not be so upset. Don't ever do that it hurts more than you know. I was really upset because the doctor said I had 12-22 years to live and I would be in a wheelchair in 5 years. Well I was overly depressed and did some things I should not have done. As I learned more about what I had it got way easier to be like NO that is not going to be me. If you need more information about this go to the FARA page.
So as the days went on I was going to 4 -5 doctors a week and getting poked and prodded. It was great fun because I hate needles. I have 2 neurologists, a cardiologist, a primary care doctor,a physical therapist, a counselor, and a pain specialist. At that point I just wanted to get down to one appointment a week. Now I am down to one appointment every other month. I life in town now and am getting my life back. The only thing missing is the on and off relationship. He may not know it but I love him and plan on marrying him one day soon.
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