So today as my brother and I were talking. I was reminded of a funny story that II thought I would share. So a while back I was at a party and apperently the music was too loud. Cause the next thing anyone knew the cops and patty wagon where there. Normal people know what to do when the cops come. So as all of us over 21 got there identifacation out to show that we were infact over 21 years old. There were a few minors there. oops. So the police go to the two boys and get there id's and run them through. Next they went tothe girls whitch were sisters. They got to the younger one first and asked if she had id on her and she said NO. So they asked her name and age. She did not want to get in trouble so she used her sisters name and said she was 21 years old. Then they found her sister and asked her the same questions. When the cops relized they gave the same name. They went backto the younger sister and she said oh thats not my name. My name is ------ and I am only 18 years old.
I know we all have stupid moments but that was a right up there moment. The only one better than that was when I was helping my daughter with her homework one night. My neighbor and her daughter came over and were chilling at my house. My daughter and I were going over where she was born.
My daughter: Where was I born?
Me: Farmington, New Mexico
My neighbor: How did you get her across the border?
I had to pause for a moment before telling her that New Mexico was in the United States. I know that she just had a blonde moment but all I could picture was, Me and my new baby running from the hospital. Then trying to sneak through the border with a crying brand new baby. I know that is not what she ment but that was the first picture in my head.
Have you ever felt like you were the smartest person you know? On that note I need smater friends cause I am not that bright. Yet they all come to me to help them on everything. Just once I would like to go up to anyone of them and say solve this for me
5(x-2) = 3-2(x+3)
This is going to be the qualifacation to be my friend from now on. If your smart you will read this and know the answer is 1 but if not I'm sorry I need smart friends cause I am sick of being the smart one. Well now I'm done for the night. Thanks for listening to me vent.